Star Wars: Imperial Assault - our new Game of the Week!
Side with the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire in our new game of the week - Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
Find yourself in the middle of the heated conflict in the galaxy far, far away. Star Wars: Imperial Assault throws you into the midst of the Galactic Civil War, after the destruction of the Death Star over Yavin 4. The game offers two different Star Wars experiences - the campaign and the skirmish modes.

The campaign mode pits the immense Empire, with its countless troops and vast resources, against a formidable team of Rebel elite operatives. One player commands the Imperial armies and works towards crushing the rebellion and ensuring their total control over the Empire, while up to 4 other players take control of the Rebel heroes, attempting to undermine the Empire's plans of domination.
The skirmish mode allows two players to compete in a tactical combat. Each player selects troops to form their own strike force, and assemble a deck to customise their range of abilities. The game offers different scenarios in which you can versus your opponent.
With two different game modes and a large array of expansions, the game can be played and replayed, offering a fresh experience each time! Pick up your copy of Star Wars: Imperial Assault today at Mind Games!
For a 10% discount on an in-store purchase of this game, quote our promocode : LEIA
Players : 2-5 Complexity : 3.5 / 5 Time : 1h + Mechanisms : Modular Board, Role Playing, Partnership, Variable Player Power