Begin your grand naval exploration with SeaFall - our new game of the week!

SeaFall is a legacy-style strategy game, in which the world has shaken off the prejudices of the Dark Ages and is beginning to re-discover maritime technologies and expanding the horizons. You take control of a mainland empire and, with a number of advisers at your disposal, begin to explore the sea. Discover new islands, establish trading routs, take part in naval combat, and more.
As a legacy game, SeaFall evolves with each game session. Players shape the world, and the narrative and history of SeaFall changes as the game progresses.
For a 10% discount on an in-store purchase of this game, quote our promo code : EXPLORE
Complexity: 4/5 Players: 3-5 Time : 2h + Mechanisms: Variable Player Powers, Grid Movement, Trading